With This Ring... Bridal Gala

Well, here it is Wednesday already and I am knee-deep in trade show prep for the upcoming With This Ring... Bridal Gala on Sunday in Red Deer. I have had the pleasure of working with so many great couples over the last year and I am trying to come up with creative ways to display all of the new designs.

As always, I am looking forward to working with all of the other vendors, as well as meeting all of the brides-to-be (with it being Superbowl Sunday, I doubt we will be seeing many grooms…)

Located at the Parkland & Prairie Pavilions at Westerner Park in Red Deer, the show runs from 10 – 4 with two fashion shows at 11:30 and 2. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster, 403 340 4455 or may also be purchased online. Cost: $10.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door.

Looking forward to seeing you there… until then, take care.

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